Thursday, October 14, 2004

Feeling Weird

This week is the 6th week in school and I found a lot of things that made me reflect back on myself.

Had a team role's test during Human Resource Management class. It is a test to see where you stand in a group. Basically, there are 8 different roles. I thought I was a 'Team Worker' but NO....

I'm a 'Coordinator' and a 'Shaper'. Says that I'm the natural born leader, not afraid of things and do make decisions after listening to everyone. Funny how I never thought or have thought myself like that before. But then again...we can't see ourself. We need someone to become our MIRROR to see who we are.

I'm beggining to see myself as I can trust myself to do things correctly but right now, I'm clouded by feelings. Feelings that is unexplainable with words but with feelings. Am I making sense?? But, if I make sense to myself, why not??

Something happen to a friend of mine but shouldn't made public. I think I'm beggining to understand things about love, relationships and being who you are. I can't explain it with words but my understanding is enough and I believe that not even one person in this life understand fully what is love and relationships.

For now, I'm happy being who I am and finding out what I can be and not. I'm happy to have friends around me and I believe that each of them are teachers to my life but it doesn't mean that I will like them all.

Oh well... Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away . Thanks to William Khoo for telling me this. Its like seeing a silver lining from the dark clouds.


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