Friday, March 03, 2006

Blackness around me...

I'm tired. Emotionally. I'm sick of everything. I'm sick of every single thing that affect me.

I guess I will go back to my old self-containment mode. Will just be by myself and hoped that my existence to this world wouldn't matter in any way it would come to.

It comes to the point where I am myself. I don't see other people as friends anymore, just mere acquantances. Nothing more and nothing less. Even those whom I thought as friends. I guess next time I should judge people more. But one quote I remember, it said that if we judge people, we won't have time to love them. I wonder if it is true...

People have betrayed me and betrayed my trust in them. I hate those people. How can I live in this hypocrite world?? Like one of my classes teached me, you are not free as long as you are still in your own body. It is part of what I believe now.