Friday, November 17, 2006

Again, updates....

Been not updating on the on-goings of my life. Thing is, nothing much except work, work and more work.

Work has been easier in the sense that I'm beginning to know what the products I'm selling and can tell them a bit more on things that I might not have learnt beforehand. Imagine, thinking of different types of plates and their uses. Usually, I would just think, a plate is a plate no matter what is on it. But no... chefs are usually fussy about this although the one who decides, not always them.

Been meeting a lot of interesting people out there and I guess I would meet more and more people. I don't know if I can keep up with the on-goings of people demanding that I do everything they asked for ASAP. Not that I can't but most of the times, it would be hard for me to keep to their time frame. Imagine, asking me to do a quotation in 10mins.

Oh well, being in the hotel industry, I understand how customers thinks. But what I don't like is I'm being held up with a gunpoint if I don't do it correctly. The feeling is so bad.. Hahahahahaa....

Enough of work. I'm beginning to feel very mellow. Nowadays, I'm listening to slow songs. Songs that I can actually relate to but can't get rid of it. Met up with Matthew for a few days. Nice to see him after being lost for 2 years. Can't believe that we still clicked and had loads of fun. Never I laugh as much as in a year within just a few days with him.

Well, I have met up with others who I have not for sometime. Like John. Was nice to meet up with him and we had great lunch. Hehehehehee.... Oh well, at least I did some updates on him. Huahahahahhahaa....

Mmmm, I think its time for me to hit the bed. It has been such a long day today that I have to move around so much. I had to go out and come back to the office 3 (three) times in a day. And I worked late too... Just finish work around 2030. And I got on the wrong train... Cks, cks, cks...

Peace out yo...