Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Sex is not the answer. Sex is the question. Yes is the answer.

Just started today on my work. I don't think I will be happy to work there, sort of regretting it but I know I can't do anything else.

I'm tired with everything now. Apartment hunt have been fruitful although I would like somewhere nicer. I guess wherever it is, I would like it with some minor adjustments to the furniture of the room.

I have been trying to get a hold of Strictly Ballroom but haven't found any. Tried to go to dvd rentals but nothing. I just wonder how could they have Grease but not Strictly Ballroom. Been feeling quite low. Not sure why.

Went out for coffee with an ex-colleague of PKZ. His name is Jonathan. Half Swiss and half French. Very interesting guy but boy... he is younger than me. OUCHY...... We kindda make fun of each other as my French doesn't work and his English doesn't work either. So....we mixed both languages when we speak or rather he is the one who makes the effort. I just like to sit next to him and see his face. HUAHAHHAHHAHAHA......... He is cute and handsome. Won't be any love for me there :P

Man......I wish I finished my internship already. So irritating with all of this. All the fuss and all the misunderstandings and everything. Geez....

Don't get wrong impression of the title. It something I got from the net and I find it hilarious :)


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