Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Agencies, where art thou?

Tiring right now. Feel like sleeping real bad but I have to study. Right now I'm in Coffee Bean Montreux. Just listening to music and reading what I have to study. Reading first and will start to memorize. Fortunately, I remember to bring a notepad so that I could scribble etc.

Woke up early to come down here to find an apartment to stay after school ended. Anyway, I have one more agency to go to. Wish I have a positive answer this time. The agencies that I went to earlier, are either not available asap or that they still have people there. So wishing really badly that I could have a positive positive answer and that I could take the place asap.

I think I would be going up earlier so that I could catch a nap. Really tired. Take a nap and then study. Wish I could study as I can't remember anything that I have read so far. Wish I don't mess my exam tomorrow or the next few days after.


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