Saturday, January 08, 2005

Cold..... Brrrr.....

Been reading Diana's blog. She stated that she was waiting for her avocado smoothie. Hmmm.......sounds interesting. Must be nice and yummy.

Anyway, I'm on the third floor right now. Still checking on email and reading news and blogs. Not many people on the third floor right now but I can see some third years are doing their work unlike me. So many people have fiinished their report and I haven't finished anything. Have made up my mind that I will at least finish one and to reward myself, I have rented a dvd, I am Sam or Je suis Sam.

I'm very tired today. Woke up early to go to work and have been staying down town for almost the whole day. Oh ya, had dinner in Beijing Town with some people. Had fun even though I don't really converse in Cantonese. I could understand and thats about it. The others planned to go to Harry's bar then to Copycat, asking me to tag along. NO GOOD. Still had loads to do but look at me, I'm writing blog. Sigh........

Anyway, I'm surprised that some people are surprised that I could type with 10 fingers. Also when I could type without looking at the keyboard. Well, not saying that everybody should but I'm a student so practically it is normal when I could type with 10 fingers. Hmmm.....even when I see around the third floor, everybody is typing with 10 fingers.

Was thinking about what I said in the previous blog about discrimination. I think I do too as well. I do discriminate and sadly I realized it when it is over. Then, I will feel so bad that it kindda make my mood gone bad. Life is like that isn't it??

Just deposited some money in my account. Not really happy to see the balance. Short of my target but its alright. Will get it up again when and after I find an internship. Or should I say IF.

OK. Now I'm ready to work I think. If I still have the energy and motivation to do my work. -crossing my fingers-


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