Monday, December 20, 2004

Vacation, vacation

I'm sort of on vacation now till the 7th of January I think. I guess I'm glad about having this vacation. Just relaxing and trying to catch up with everything, like my projects.

Anyway, just started my part-time job today. Its fine although I worked for 3 hours only today but working more hours tomorrow. At least I'm doing something so I won't just laze around doing nul things. Feels as if there is a pressure to do my work, which is good as I need pressure to do my work.

Nothing much that happen today but what is history, mountain size, but as always, whats over and most of the time I can't remember what. Somehow, there are a lot of my friends that went back to their own countries. Didn't feel any jealousy even though I would like to go back but, I think, I made the right decision to stay back and have all my projects and studying done.


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