Thursday, December 09, 2004

Guilty - Blue

So pissed off. No meeting when we are supposed to have one. *putain* I know I'm a bit hard but I don't care. Just got pissed off by so many people today.

Just went through my thoughts and somehow, it just occured to me that it is good and nice to feel needed and to be needed. Rarely I have this kind of feeling which surprisingly, one person could give me all that.

In actual fact, I found myself as IRRITATING, WANTING EVERYTHING, TOO CHILDISH and everything else bad. I think, it is time for me to keep to myself again. Be happy by myself and don't care for being alone. I think I will be happier like this but then again, there are things that I'm not sure of like being alone -contradicting myself here-

I think I'm going through a lot this past weeks with so many projects going on and as well as some emotional problems that I'm facing for quite sometime.

Like to thank Eko for introducing me to another friend, Galih and Hans (Hanz ??). Still not sure how is Galih in real life as I have heard so many contradicting stories about him. Funny thing is that how there are contradicting stories but then again, no one is ever right no matter what -I think-

Feeling sick again. Almost threw up but fortunately didn't as I was at someone else's place. No good to leave memoirs :P

Next week is already the last week of school for this year. Got 3 projects due *merde* Anyway, I think I should sleep early today. Just don't have the strength to carry on with my life for right now. Tomorrow will just a day to do my 3 projects. Sigh.....


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