Wednesday, December 08, 2004

~ Clouded ~

Just went through some emotional 'happenings' which I couldn't answer myself. For right now, I think I'm fine. My mind and heart is just cloudy with everything. I thought I could handle it, but in the end, I have to go down to make myself happy.

I was pretty down for I don't know how many days and thankfully, there is Marché de Nöel where I could walk and see all the things over and over again. Fortunately, I'm not bored with seeing things over and over again.

I have 3 projects due next week and none of them I have finished. I think I'm gonna slog off for the weekend trying to finish. I'm actually a depressing person, so I found out from my friends. Sigh.... how very encouraging.

Anyway, I haven't found any internship yet and I'm panicking. I don't know what I should do. Sigh.....

I have missing some classes this week. I know its not good but somehow, I have just lost interest in going to classes. Like all the classes.

I missed him so much but he never does actually care. I guess, once its over, everything is over. I guess I'm bound to be an old hag. SIGH.......

I'm not making sense today. I'm still clouded by all this feelings inside me and its making me very very miserable. I wish I can have one day where I could just sleep in and not think about anything at all. This would never happen though. Sigh.....


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