Thursday, November 04, 2004

Another Lesson Learned

Think I'm gonna fail my Business Communication. This is the first time in the history that I'm very sure that I will fail the paper. Sucks man.... Worse thing is, most people I talked to says the same thing as I do. Oh well, at least if I fail, I will have company :P I'm BAD, BAD girl.

So now I'm concentrating on Sales and Marketing. I think I could do better on this rather than today's paper. Anyway, I was pissed off last night while I'm sitting down here at the same seat as I sat. Some people just copied off my notes without asking me first. Only one or two did but there are others who didn't. Serve them right as my notes doesn't have everything. So if they got bad marks, I'm not giving a shit.

Oh well, nice to chat with Maureen. She got online while I'm online as well. Been such a long time. Oh ya, I'm happy that I have only one paper left for this week. But...too much work the next few weeks. I think I will be very bogged down by all of this. Fortunately because of the exemption, I can concentrate more on my projects.

Oh ya....think I'm beggining to have a tendency to give the I-don't-care attitude to some people. OOOOPPPPPSSSSS....... But then again, they deserve it. Some people don't know how to study on their own. Just relying on others and for the lecturers to spoon-feed them. Idiotic people. So irritating.

One more thing, I have run out of songs. Songs to listen. New ones I mean. I need songs but I'm so not in touch with the world anymore.

Ah ya, while I talked to Maureen, it hit me that I have been such a bad friend to her. I neglected her and I felt so bad but I know its gonna be hard for her to forgive me. But ya, learned something new everyday aren't I?? I have learned to treasure my friends because they are the ones that always been there for me. I will try very hard to keep all my friends close to my heart. I hope I don't run out of love to be divided equally to all of them :p


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