Saturday, October 30, 2004

Its Saturday

Today is Saturday and I have been doing a lot of studying for exams. Went for brunch and started to finish my computer project, a site about cats, but to no avail so in the end, at 3pm planned to go down to town, Montreux.

Went shopping for a while as everywhere closes at 5pm on Saturday and closes on Sundays. Anyway, had fondue for dinner with Melissa. Somehow, she is now my fondue khaki :) Its nice to have some khaki to do something with but unfortunately, I don't have a drinking khaki now. Quite sad. Those that could drink, doesn't like to go down to Grotto or either they are not here to company me.

Oh ya, I made 2 big portion of mocha. One for Billy and one for myself. For Billy is because Ann, the one who supposed to work in Coffee Beans, had to go down to the kitchen. Feels nice to handle the coffee machine again. Think I'm falling in love with it. For those who are not informed by me, I worked in Coffee Beans last semester so I knew how things work here.

It is more than 8pm now and I still haven't done my pages till the end. Sad right. Oh well, I hope I will finished by tomorrow as on Monday, I have to hand it in. I know it is sad but somehow yours truly, DON'T HAVE THE MOTIVATION TO DO IT, because sad to say, she doesn't have friends to company her.

Anyway, I remembered some arguments that I have had since I was young and it really shaped my thought about life, love, religion etc. One thing I remember most is one argument I had with Sebastian. I know some poeple had their own perception about religion but really, I thought that everyone is the same. I know that most perceptions about religion is that if you are not having the same religion as mine, you will not go to heaven.

God forgive me and also Sebastian, but I think it is bullshit. For one thing, I believe and truly believe that God wants us to treat others equally and love them like how each one of us love oneself. Think it like this, if we are not supposed to love each other, there wouldn't be any difference in religion and status of life to test us on love for each other. I know there would be a lot of argument about this thing but ya, this is the point. It will all comes back to - 'Love Each Other'.

But, I have to thank Sebastian as he make me feel that I have understood my purpose in life. My purpose is to love one another no matter their religion or whatsoever. I have a feeling that I could easily like one person and love them. I know there are people who thinks that I'm not like that but its alright. But then again, UNFORTUNATELY, I could easily hate one person. OOOPPPSSSSIIIEEEE..............

Got something from the net as I browse some stuff.
We spend so much time looking for the right person to love or finding fault with those we already love, when instead we should be perfecting the love we give.

I think it is a good reflection for everyone and I hope that I could remember this till eternity.


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