Tuesday, October 26, 2004


Today is one of the worst day in the week. Just for information, this week is the 8th week and next week, 9th week, mid-term exams start. Bloody h***.

Haven't really started studying yet. I do study but somehow I take it lightly. Don't know why. Just lost the motivation that I usually have when I was in first and second year. Think I lost my marbles.

Dear friends, please pray for me. Think I really need some big huge push and some nice words to help me pass this two weeks. I think I might collapse anytime.

The worst thing is still having quiz this week. Managerial Accounting to be exact. Hate this subject after the change of teacher and I'm not the only one who thinks like that. Amazing right. I guess, if I fail on this subject, gonna do something about the teacher. But I really wish I could pass it. Wishing very hard. -fingers crossed-

Anyway, I might not blog when I don't have the time. Please understand the stress and me trying to survive this last semester in Caux.

I'm missing all of my friends. I don't know why. Just wish I could meet all my old friends and we could just have a chat. It would be nice. But, everybody is everywhere. Think most of them would be in Australia, easiest to get there to study unlike the States as well UK.


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