Sunday, October 31, 2004

Feeling low on feelings

Been finishing my computer project and boy, it takes time as I choose the right color for my background. Fortunately, it is done and since then, had been reading on Business Communication notes. Funny how I'm still stuck with the first handouts. Doesn't seem to move on but then again, it is quite thick.

Suddenly have a thought that flashes through my mind and this happens to me LOADS OF TIMES. You know how that if one person is coming, you are so enthusiastic that you wanted to tell the whole wide world?? Me too but the worst thing happen when I announced the coming of one person.

THEY NEVER SHOWED UP. It is so frustrating and I felt so bad and it does break my heart so. Felt like as if my heart just breaks into millions, billions of pieces. It is even worse if that particular person is someone whom I care and love a lot. This goes out to Ivan, Eko, Cahya, Jiazhi etc. Those I named are those that I remember right now and for those whom I didn't write down but you feel that you are, well.... you are one of them.

Oh ya, the third years are going to have a meeting. One of our lecturers got fired and I believe there would be more but I have no idea who would be the next one. This school is getting from bad to worse. All the good lecturers got fired while the non-experienced ones stayed. Boy, I really don't know what else to say about this.

Will update later after the meeting


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