Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Around here, to be nuts is normal, to be sane is stupid...

Having exams this week. Pretty though when you just study for 7 weeks and have to go for final exams. I guess this is what I called a very intensive program, compared with the previous years. This is much worse along with all the reports and presentations that we all have to do during those 7 weeks. I think this is what I called being in university, much more work and much much more load.

All the time that I have mostly spent for the meetings that I have with my group with usually Friday night free for us to go out and let loose, which is seldom...

Nothing much happens from my last blog till now. Just that I have been brain-washed with what they call, the American philosophy and its enterprises. So if you ask me now about why free trade, government intervention, subsidies, public welfare, fire away and I will answer it... even though I won't argue anything... Hahhahhaha....

Been listening to a lot songs lately, in English and French, and watching tv with French language. Think I'm handling it again, the language, even though I need MORE PRACTICE.

Might be going for wine trip to Italy. Same place in Turin or Torino or whatever you call that. Went there once when I was in first year. It was awesome and the Spumante... Just can't resist it. It is so good and I don't even like wine very much, although I drank a lot these days or should I say this year.

Gone out for drinks even during weekdays. But it is just a social evening where I will meet with staffs from school. I like hanging out with them although I don't get to meet up with them every week.

Will write more often I think. Been pretty SLACK...

Sunday, October 09, 2005


Thought that I haven't been writing a lot these past days... weeks even. Anyway, so far, I have been busy with my school stuff and too much not doing it heheheheheh....

Cut my hair, real short now. But I guess I'm pretty happy about it though... Short and not to much hassle to comb even though I spent the same amount of time to get ready for school with the previous length of hair. With a new haircut, I have actually let go of my feelings. Feelings for that someone. I have let go and be just be who I am before I met him. Feeling happy about it but somehow, still I got the feelings it is not the end yet.

Was sick the past two days. Just feeling very weak. Was really knocked out and just couldn't even stand on two feet for more than 20 seconds. That bad huh... I have at least 2 more weeks before my first ended. Feeling very jittery as I still have 2 reports to do and one presentation, with 3 exams... Pressure, Pressure, Pressure.

Oh... I was just reading Seb's blog. I think it is nice to have a reunion. I would love to do that as well. But what I actually wanted to talk about for a very long time from his blog is the way he brought out God/Jesus. I think it is really great for each one of us who have religion to honor Him, to praise Him but I think it is much more beneficial for us to do in secrecy. Why do you want to let everybody know you are 'religious'? I'm not saying that it is wrong but isn't it better if only He who knows about it? Doesn't it states that in the Bible?

I think I'm getting too emotional here so will end...