Friday, January 05, 2007

Random thoughts...

Been not blogging for quite sometime already. My life since the last blog has a lot of ups and downs which I have been able to handle until recently.

I wish I could say that I'm happy with what I have achieved so far which unfortunately, I can say no to it. I have been searching high and low for things, relationships, love, friends to my dream which up till now, I have not get anything.

I have been trying to look things at different perspective but somehow, mine is so straight that I cannot even twist it even by a mere 5degree. Sad but its true. Look at the different relationships that exists in this world. Look around and then you find out that you cannot think differently from what you think previously, you just created problems. Problems that if each can be compromised, this world would be a better place. But, because of c'est la vie, problems are always there and no compromises are reached.

So it all came back to where we started, why do people wants to be difficult? Difficult up to the point where we face a point of no return? Looking at my own family and looking at them with each of their own abilities, I'm happy with them. Happy to the point where they have their own life and things that going good for them. Me?? As what of the popular believe, since I'm sort-of the youngest in the family, I'm pampered, I beg to differ. Where in the part of me that looked like I'm pampered?

I beg to differ to whatever people think of me being the youngest. So what I'm the youngest? At least being the youngest, you can filter out the good and the bad. I, for one, will not do what is bad, as from what I see, and actually do whats good.

Oh well, life is just not as easy as it goes... People tends to think I get it smoothly but I'm not and don't. Just not at all. Why people don't get it? Sucks man sometimes... being the youngest.

Anyway, I will take things slowly now. Thinking whether everything would be good or not, but I know I won't be satisfied. Hahahhahhaa...

ANYWAY, life actually SUCKS... Tough luck.. Et on a dit encore, c'est la vie, et la vie est pas belle...