Friday, May 13, 2005


Just wrote something I think a very long blog that I wrote but stupid blogspot just got a maintenance thing going on where they should actually just tell me even before I write my blog. I feel stupid now and I'm pretty sure it is shorter than my last one...

Anyway, I'm getting better and I'm actually working tomorrow. Yes..... after a long 6 days of rest. So I'm starting to work which is good for me coz I'm bored not doing anything....

Had a good chat with Yixin last night and she actually opened up my mind and eyes....

You know how people who are more than just normal friends and yet they don't actually contacted you or anything?? I got loads of those people. The type where you take them more than just a normal friendships and yet, no contact or anything even though you are in the same country, place and everything..... I mean, I understand if they are not in the same country but these people are just near me..... I hate these type of people and yet, I'm always attracted to them.

Yixin made me realize that they just don't want to be in my circle of 'ships if they don't put any effort in keeping in contact with me. This realization gave me just the thing to make me to be able to LET GO... I have been letting go of those people that would not want to be in my circle and it feels so great. I don't have the burden anymore and I'm glad that I have been letting go the anguish, the hurt, the pain that I will always have to feel....


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