Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Lonely the path I have chosen...

Been fine these few days. Getting pretty emotional especially considering school work. Feel like killing myself. Anyway, one of my flatmates is sick hope she is fine though. Don't want her to get sick at all. See how nice I am.

Crazy schedules is up again. Been having loads of project again. Damn it. I have spending loads of money as well these past few weeks and more to come. I don't know why. Think been having cook-in too much at my place. Might not have anymmore of this due to the reports piling up.

I will try to do more sport on weekends after brunch, usually ping pong or kicking a sandbag. Was doing it last week and boy do I sweat like crazy.

I'm getting fat as well. Hahahhaha.... You know how I knew? We had measurement of gown today. We had to measure the size of our head, weight and height. I'm now 53.9 kg. I'm so happy. Think I should cut down on eating soon, coz I'm balloning fast, very fast. Maybe I will stop when I hit 55kg. Will see though coz sometimes it takes time for me to gain weight.

To that guy out there, I miss you so much and I wish you well...