Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Forgive and forget?

Feeling down suddenly. Don't know why. Feels so useless and so out-of-place. Why is it so? I don't remember any happenings that happen today to make feel this way. Is it because I miss someone? But I don't even know who is this someone... I only know that in my heart, I felt a tug. A tug that always makes me think about my ex-s. About how each of them does make a difference in my life but yet, I know in a way, I was hurt by them and they were hurt by me. I wish I can say sorry to them but I know it is of no use. What happened has happened. I can apologized but will they forgive and forget? As what everyone of us who have sensitivity, we might forgive BUT we will NEVER forget. To forgive and forget? Let this be a thought on each one of us.

Sammie, the Canada Korean born, is in dilema right now. Her boyfriend wanted to break up but she doesn't want. As what I gather from her, she wants someone to think about and think that there is someone out there to think about. I can clearly understand how she feels because I used to be like that and I believe that I'm still one when I couldn't help myself. I think I might know why I'm down. Its because I do understand her feelings and it gets me. Wonder why I'm always like this. To feel what everyone feels, which most of the time is the negative feelings that I feel??

You know, there are times when I think that I have been feeling my best and to feel the top of the world, and there are times when I just want to be on the bed, cry as much as I want and to feel loved by someone with his arms around me. Life is complicated... and what can't we as humans missed out?? LOVE... so ironic...


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