Sunday, August 21, 2005

What do I do....

Taking a rest after studying for tomorrow's mid-term exam paper. Couldn't say it is easy but neither hard. It is a sort of very common sense type of subject. Sociology, World Cultures and Customs. Sigh..... Don't know if I will pass.

Worse thing is, on Tuesday and Wednesday, I have classes from 0800 till 1700, with an hour break in between for lunch. Come Thursday, I have a presentation on the subject that I choose for this subject. Indeed, I have no idea what exactly I would write but, I hope I won't be too exhausted to write my report and do the presentation.

I have been wondering about Melissa... Well, for one thing, she doesn't really opened up to me, while she does it to everyone else. I think I'm jealous but I know and understand that I can't force people to opened up to me. I guess, I'm not that good of a friend to her. Can't blame her. I'm not that trustworthy anyway. Hey... at least I didn't make myself sound or look good. I am what I am. For example, if I'm lazy, I would say that I am and never deny it, because thats ME. Fortunately, I didn't make it such a big hu-ha that I'm jealous. It is her choice and I have to respect it.

I'm beginning to go back to my 'sad' state. I hate that. Wish I can take it away. Like as if I have black clouds hanging always above my head. Right now, I'm troubled with finding a place to stay. I know I have it, but I wished for a bigger place where I can have my own room and such. Unfortunately, I couldn't find any right now. Of course, I have to agree with the price and everything but sigh... can't do anything much of it right now.


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