Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Its wiser to walk away...

Been feeling moody today. Don't know why when I actually went for facial. In takashimaya where I actually spent 90 minutes just lying on the bed and feeling the pain as they took out all my pimples, blackheads etc. OUCHY.... Then went for pedi... I actually don't dare to look at what did they do. Just wait for them - or rather her- to finished it up and to go...

In overall, I don't know how do I feel now. Mixed feeling... Feeling sad and down. Just suddenly think about some of 'ships that just recently happened. Feel so very lousy right now. Feel like nothing else is good to go on. Feels like I don't have any plan and future anymore. Feels like everything has been done - like Jesus said 'Its done' - and I feel that it is done.

My sis went back again to Surabaya and boy, I don't know how she can be here for a few days and the flies back to Indonesia. I don't know how she could leave her children here without any supervision. Sure she got me but, I'M ON HOLIDAY... Geezz, somehow I wonder what kind of a mother material of her. I would try my best to not be like that - even though my mind tells me that I would be just like her- and I know that my children WOULDN'T be like her children. I wouldn't say that they are not nice. Yes they are nice occasionally or when they want to but... their manners are so off and courtesy, not to family members which I think it is more important as courtesy starts from family...

Anyway, been having stabs of pain in my heart -not literary of course- and it does makes me so gloomy and sad. I think as what a song 'Tender Heart' -by Lionel Richie- says, its wiser to walk away....


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