Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Soon to Christmas

In Mayfair right now. Just checking up on my mails and clearing them. Have been working part-time in PKZ in Vevey for 3 days now. Tomorrow would be hectic as I would be working till 10 pm. More than 12 hours of work but I guess it is fine. It pays for my bills for this holidays which is good coz I'm running out of money in my account.

Nice to chat with Dan again. At least we are still like last time. Still making fun of each other after one whole idiot semester. Anyway, here is to crowded but luckily managed to snog a seat.

Something funny happens tonight which made me embarassed. One guy who seat one seat away from me was wearing a nice brown coat and I was just looking at his way. Found out that he still have the price tag on it. OOpppppsssss...........

Was totally embarassed by when his girlfriend just laughed without stopping. Today is just the first day when I can relax having a drink without anybody talking about me drinking. Just don't feel like it when one did it. Fells like slapping -bish-

Just to wish when I don't have the time, MERRY CHRISTMAS. This Christmas will be passed just like that like normal. It is just another day but it is a day to Celebrate and to Give Thanks. So on this year's Christmas, I would like to thank those I know because they are the ones that gave me another eye to see other things that I never see before.

Monday, December 20, 2004

Vacation, vacation

I'm sort of on vacation now till the 7th of January I think. I guess I'm glad about having this vacation. Just relaxing and trying to catch up with everything, like my projects.

Anyway, just started my part-time job today. Its fine although I worked for 3 hours only today but working more hours tomorrow. At least I'm doing something so I won't just laze around doing nul things. Feels as if there is a pressure to do my work, which is good as I need pressure to do my work.

Nothing much that happen today but what is history, mountain size, but as always, whats over and most of the time I can't remember what. Somehow, there are a lot of my friends that went back to their own countries. Didn't feel any jealousy even though I would like to go back but, I think, I made the right decision to stay back and have all my projects and studying done.

Thursday, December 16, 2004

Too much........

Feeling quite down now. Easily influenced by the feelings of the surroundings. For an example, yesterday Melissa feeling pissed by me (I think) and she is like so down and I suddenly felt tha I'm wrong and I just kept quiet. And now, Galih is down and no mood, I'm also affected. Sigh.......

This weekend is check-out weekend and this coming Monday, I start my part-time job. Should be interesting. I think, I'm getting to a point where I have to decide my life that spread infront of me. Choices, choices. Too many choices but no knowledge of the outcome of the choice that one chooses. Again sigh.......

Thursday, December 09, 2004

Guilty - Blue

So pissed off. No meeting when we are supposed to have one. *putain* I know I'm a bit hard but I don't care. Just got pissed off by so many people today.

Just went through my thoughts and somehow, it just occured to me that it is good and nice to feel needed and to be needed. Rarely I have this kind of feeling which surprisingly, one person could give me all that.

In actual fact, I found myself as IRRITATING, WANTING EVERYTHING, TOO CHILDISH and everything else bad. I think, it is time for me to keep to myself again. Be happy by myself and don't care for being alone. I think I will be happier like this but then again, there are things that I'm not sure of like being alone -contradicting myself here-

I think I'm going through a lot this past weeks with so many projects going on and as well as some emotional problems that I'm facing for quite sometime.

Like to thank Eko for introducing me to another friend, Galih and Hans (Hanz ??). Still not sure how is Galih in real life as I have heard so many contradicting stories about him. Funny thing is that how there are contradicting stories but then again, no one is ever right no matter what -I think-

Feeling sick again. Almost threw up but fortunately didn't as I was at someone else's place. No good to leave memoirs :P

Next week is already the last week of school for this year. Got 3 projects due *merde* Anyway, I think I should sleep early today. Just don't have the strength to carry on with my life for right now. Tomorrow will just a day to do my 3 projects. Sigh.....

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

You know you've Indonesian when......

Got this from blogthings. It is funny and I find it very interesting. I do agreed to most of it and not to some. It is really hilarious if you are an Indonesian and understand the jargon

You Know You're Indonesian When....

Your stomach growls when you don't eat rice for a day.

You believe kecap ABC could turn bad cooking to gourmet food.

You talk during a movie.

You eat fried rice in the morning.

You prefer Versace or Moschino jeans over Gap or Levi's.

You don't think Jim Carrey is funny.

You think Onky Alexander is a hunk.

You think Rhoma Irama is kampungan.

You carry a 16 oz. jar of sambal to where ever you travel.

Driving a car that is cheaper than $15,000 embarrasses you.

You think dangdut is stupid, but listen to it anyways, because you are homesick.

You are willing to travel 25 miles to buy tahu and tempe.

You are "Dreaming of a WARM Christmas".

You are very good at avoiding potholes and other road hazards.

Your local McDonald's serves rice and sambal.

You think Supermi is a staple food.

You have ever tried passing a Rp 50 coin as a quarter in a US vending machine/pay phone.

You have ever successfully bribed a police officer.

You have ever successfully bribed a customs officer.

You do your shopping in Singapore.

Your drivers license claims you are 5 years older then you really are.

You have ever legally bought pirated software.

You have ever been forced to memorize UUD'45.

You have bought something from a barefooted street peddler.

You know exactly how many islands Indonesia has.

You have ever eaten something sold off a cart on wheels.

You realized that money is everything before you were six.

The first thing that comes to mind when hearing the word "Jakarta" is "macet".

Someone you know has ever ridden on top of a train.

Your daily commute includes thinking up new ways to ride the city bus for free.

You don't mind people being late.

You think standing in line is a waste of time.

You have tried every Monday of your youth trying to avoid upacara bendera.

You have used a mosquito repellant that looks like a coil and is lit on one end.

You use the terms "Ni yee", "-lah" and "Ih, jijay" on daily basis

You know what Pancasila is, what it means and know it by heart.

You complain that movies in America don't have sub-titles.

Your daily conversation may include enactments of TV commercials.

You have ever consulted a dukun.

Your whole class has ever cheated on a test, and gotten away with it.

You have ever spent the night before an exam looking for someone who sells the questions.

You like the smell of terasi.

You think the Thomas Cup is equal to the Super Bowl.

You can name a manufacturer of shuttlecocks/badminton birdies.

You have a 16' satellite dish hidden in your back yard.

You have ever ridden in a motor vehicle with three wheels.

You miss your maid during laundry day.

Your clothing has brand names printed on it that is visible from 50' away.

You attend weddings only until you are done eating.

You have attended weddings that you are not invited to.

You go to McDonald's to get your weekly supply of ketchup, salt, pepper and napkins.

You know more than one music group that stole the tune of Cranberries' "Zombie".

You have a can of Baygon on your kitchen table.

You make major decisions based on gengsi.

You take advantage of Wal-Mart's 30 days money-back-guarantee to "borrow" home appliances.

Someone in your family has extra pockets in his outfit to hide cookies from the all-you-can-eat bar.

You have paid more then $1000 to get your name on your license plate.

When watching TV you regularly find that all the channels broadcast the same thing.

You know more than 10 acronyms/abbreviations.

You set the ring tone of your cell phone as loud as possible.

You spend your weekends at an expensive five star hotel near your house.

You have one of those gigantic 5000 watts stereo system even though you can't turn it as loud as you can since you live in a crowded neighborhood.

Your Toyota Kijang is packed with bull bar, fog lights, roof rail, car alarm, expensive car audio, gold plated emblems, tail light "protector", racing steering wheels, sports muffler, lowered suspension, 17 inch wheels with expensive tires, etc. Yet you find them not gaul enough.

You are able to squeeze 15 passengers in your Toyota Kijang.

If you're rich, you buy a huge 50.000 dollars imported SUV and demands it to run minimal 12 kilometers with a liter of gas.

You refuse to buy unleaded gas for your imported car even though it costs less than 20 cents a liter.

You have your drivers license at the age of 14.

You got it without any driving tests.

You are unfamiliar with electric stove.

You are even more unfamiliar with microwave ovens.

If you're a student, your main purpose in life is to succeed in UMPTN and get into a Universitas Negeri.

If you've graduated from college, your main purpose in life is to find an easy job with big salary at a foreign company even if you have to stay unemployed for five years to find one.

If you finally got a job, your main purpose in life is now to get a wife/husband that's rich, from a "good" family, and the most importantly good looking in order to memperbaiki keturunan.

You're proud to be Indonesian - and you pass these jokes on to all your Indonesian friends!

~ Clouded ~

Just went through some emotional 'happenings' which I couldn't answer myself. For right now, I think I'm fine. My mind and heart is just cloudy with everything. I thought I could handle it, but in the end, I have to go down to make myself happy.

I was pretty down for I don't know how many days and thankfully, there is Marché de Nöel where I could walk and see all the things over and over again. Fortunately, I'm not bored with seeing things over and over again.

I have 3 projects due next week and none of them I have finished. I think I'm gonna slog off for the weekend trying to finish. I'm actually a depressing person, so I found out from my friends. Sigh.... how very encouraging.

Anyway, I haven't found any internship yet and I'm panicking. I don't know what I should do. Sigh.....

I have missing some classes this week. I know its not good but somehow, I have just lost interest in going to classes. Like all the classes.

I missed him so much but he never does actually care. I guess, once its over, everything is over. I guess I'm bound to be an old hag. SIGH.......

I'm not making sense today. I'm still clouded by all this feelings inside me and its making me very very miserable. I wish I can have one day where I could just sleep in and not think about anything at all. This would never happen though. Sigh.....

Thursday, December 02, 2004

STM - Short Term Memory

I think it has been a long time since I last updated everything. Anyway, newsflash, Doddy is getting married this Saturday. He sent me an invitation like a couple of days ago BUT so unprofessional. He sent me an invitation through friendster. So bad of him. Anyway, wish him all the best and always be happy with his new life.

Today had a little bit of fun. Went down to Montreux for the library. Found some more information for most of my projects. I had a good time. Then about 1730, went to walk down of the Christmas Market which is on every year here in Montreux. Met with some people from Leysin which is good. There is also ferris wheel (is that how you spelled it?) and haven't rode in one yet. Last year sat with Jiazhi. Not sure about this year though.

Actually, I'm happy to go anywhere by myself but sometimes, I do need company. Oh well, met with Eko and he cut his hair. Neatier than usual.

In actualy fact, I don't really know what to update because I have lost my memory on the ongoing of events these past few day. I'm getting really old not to remember anymore.